2020: MFA in Drawing, Minor in Printmaking
University of South Carolina, Columbia S.C
2011: BFA in Studio Arts, Concentration in Drawing
University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C
2020- Current: Adjunct Professor, University of South Carolina (Summer 2020- Current) ARTS 111 Basic Drawing I, ARTS 230 Introduction to Drawing, ARTS 215 Introduction to Printmaking, ARTS 232 Figure Structure I, ARTS 233 Figure Structure II
2018- 2020: Graduate Instructor, University of South Carolina (Fall 2018- Spring 2020) ARTS 330 Intermediate Drawing I, ARTS 331 Intermediate Drawing II, ARTS 111 Basic Drawing I, ARTS 215 Introduction to Printmaking
2017- 2018: Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of South Carolina (Fall 2017- Spring 2018) ARTS 111 Basic Drawing I, ARTS 215 Introduction to Printmaking, MART 210 Digital Media Arts Fundamentals, ARTS 260 Photography for Non Majors
2011: Assistant Curator, McMaster Gallery at the University of South Carolina, Columbia S.C
Solo shows
2020: “Empathetic Translations,” McMaster Gallery, Columbia, S.C (Virtual)
2020: “Past Work Exhibition,” Ben Lippen Gallery Space, Columbia, S.C
2019: “Documentation,” Greenwood Museum Upstairs Gallery, Greenwood S.C
Group shows
2019: “64th Annual Juried Exhibition,” McMaster Gallery, Columbia, S.C
2019: “Generations,” Koger Center for the Arts Upstairs Gallery, Columbia, S.C
2018: “Avant Grads Exhibition,” Stormwater SVAD Studio, Columbia S.C
2018: “Public Art Exhibition” Jasper Galleries, Meridian Building, Columbia S.C
2018: “SVAD Student Exhibition,” USC Passage Gallery, Columbia, S.C
2018: “3rd Annual Avant Grads Exhibition,” USC Passage Gallery, Columbia, S.C
2017: “2nd Annual Avant Grads Exhibition,” USC Passage Gallery, Columbia, S.C
2016: “DammitFannie Saintember,” Studio 1212, Charlotte, N.C
2016: “DammitFannie Killah Season,” Charlotte, N.C
2011: “56th Annual Juried exhibition,” McMaster Gallery, Columbia S.C
Book Cover(s)
Johnson, Lamar. Critical Race English Education: New Visions, New Possibilities. National Council of Teachers of English and Routledge. 2021 (forthcoming)
Johnson, Lamar. African Diaspora Literacy: The Heart of Transformation in K–12 Schools and Teacher Education. Lexington Books; Illustrated edition. 2019
2020: Graduate Studio Arts Research Award
2021: UofSC Department of Art Education Screen print Workshop.
2020: “Aldric Morton Listens, Creates Art Through Conversation,” Daily Gamecock, Columbia, S.C